First: Nuts N More Protein Peanut Butter Spread is TO DIE FOR!

Chocolate Maple Pretzel nuts 'n more high protein peanut butter spread is DELICIOUS

Chocolate Maple Pretzel nuts 'n more high protein peanut butter spread is DELICIOUS

First I should start by saying that is not an endorsed ad. I have been wanting to try the Nuts N More spreads for a long time, but didn't for three reasons: #1  I struggled with this thing called  'eating entire jars of peanut butter in one siting', and was worried buying any of these would be complete self-sabotage,  #2 it was pretty expensive and #3 I couldn't decide which flavor to pick!

When I saw the booth at the LA fit expo and saw they were giving out samples I was SO EXCITED! I went up and tried every single flavor..the Chocolate Maple Pretzel flavor was BY FAR my favourite. I still wasn't planning on buying any, but then they told me they were selling them for $5 and knew I had to at least buy one! I wanted to buy like 15 but I didn't have room in my suitcase.

Besides Chocolate Maple Pretzel, Toffee Crunch & Cookie Butter were also VERY good. All of the flavors were good, but some tastes mostly like peanut butter so I didn't think it was worth it to by a jar. They also sell almond butters...and I just discovered they also sell chocolate nut butter truffles. 

ANYWAYS have been using this stuff on everything and taking nibbles out of the jar is SO GOOD, & have had no choice but to eat in moderation because I DON'T WANT IT TO RUN OUT! It sells for 13.99 regularly online, & am now super sad I couldn't buy more at the expo!! 

If you are a nut butter addict like me, buying these may be dangerous, but also so worth it once in awhile for a treat! It is SO good!

Second: Peanut butter has lots of Healthy benefits!

  1. PB is FULL of Healthy Fat
    • Peanut Butter is full of heart-healthy mono-saturated fat.
  2. High in Valuable Nutrition:
    • Protein: Important building block for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood
    • Potassium: helps to lower risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease
    • Fiber: helps with healthy bowel function & can help keep you fuller longer
    • Magnesium: to fortify your bones and muscles
    • Vitamin E: protection against free radical damage, balance cholesterol, and helps to naturally slow aging.
  3. PB can help suppress hunger
    • Because peanut butter has a high fat content, it takes longer to digest which can help leave you feeling fuller for longer, which may help with weight loss.
  4. Your heart loves it!
    • Various studies have found peanuts lower the risk of cardiovascular and coronary heart disease
  5. Apparently your Colon may love it too!
    • It has been found to reduce colon cancer in women
  6. Peanuts are FULL of niacin(vitamin B3) which can help protect against Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Impairment:
    • Other benefits of Niacin are:
      • It helps with the function of the digestive system, skin and nervous system
      • Helps to break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins into energy
      • Helps remove toxins & harmful chemicals from the liver


  • Not all Peanut Butter is made the same. Be sure to read labels and look for ALL NATURAL nut butters with a very short list of ingredients whenever possible(i.e. Peanuts, salt) with the exception of other ALL NATURAL Spreads like Nuts 'N More that contain a few other yummy goodies.
  • Peanut Butter is also a very calorie dense food, and although healthy, over-eating it can lead to weight gain. 

Tip for Natural PB: Turn over before opening to help the peanut oils and solids remix. Once opened, keep in the fridge for freshness & to help avoid mold and fungus.